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100% Natural – Not treated in any way.
Rare Collectors Gem
Will make a Gorgeous Ring or Pendent accented with Diamonds.
Clean Gems are rare.
Gem with High Lustre and Good Clarity.
Large Sizes are Extremely Rare!
A Gem of Lasting Beauty.
Hessonite Garnet – Widely used in Astrology. Roiling appearance under 10X Lens
Refractive Index: 1.72-1.74
Hardness: 7.25
Chemical Comp: Ca3Al2 (SIO4)3
Density: 3.65
Crystal Group: Cubic
Hessonite Garnet is a variety of grossularite. Quite common in Sri Lanka- the chief source country. This has unique treacle streaks, honey flowing effect, with an oily glasslike appearance. This gem is widely used in Astrology.

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