Product details
100% Natural – Not treated in any way.
Rare Collectors Gem
Suitable for Museums,Institutions and Students of Gemology.
Will make a Gorgeous Ring or Pendent accented with Diamonds.
Beautiful sharp Catseye effect.
Large Sizes are Extremely Rare!
Chatoyancy is Cats Eye gems is best seen in Bright Sunlight or by focusing a flashlight on the face of the gem
Among the Rarest of gemstones.
Hardness: 6 – 7.5
Chemical Comp: Al2OSiO4
Density: 3.25
Crystal Group: Orthorhombic
Sillimanite Cats-eyes also called Fibrolite, comes in a range of colors from brown yellow to green, or colorless, and cuts beautiful Cats-eyes. Some chatoyant gems display a razor-sharp silver ray and are most attractive. The finer qualities are rare and much sought after by collectors and connoisseurs alike.

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