Product details
100% Natural – Not treated in any way.
Rare Colectors Gem.
Suitable for Museums,Institutions and Students of Gemology.
Beautiful sharp Catseye effect.
“Ideal for Designer Jewelry”
Large Sizes are Extremely Rare!
A Gem of Lasting Beauty.
Among the Rarest of gemstones.
Refractive Index:1.544 – 1.553
Hardness: 7
Chemical Comp: SiO2
Density: 2.65
Crystal Group: Trigonal
Some Quartz displays a Cats-eye effect, and belongs to the larger Quartz family. Beautiful Quartzis widely used injewellery. Other types of Quartz like amethyst,citrine, ametrine, rose quartz,colorless and rutilated quartz are also popular due to their availability in large sizes also to the affordable price.

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