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100% Natural – Not treated in any way.
Beautiful Center-stone for an engagement Ring.
Will make a Gorgeous Ring or Pendent accented with Diamonds.
Beautiful sharp Star effect.
A Gem of Lasting Beauty.
Asterism (or Ray Effect) is best seen in Bright Sunlight or by focusing a Flashlight on the face of the gem.
Refractive Index: 1.665 - 1.730 Hardness: 6 Chemical Comp: CaMgSi2O6 Density: 3.25 - 3.55 Crystal Group: Monoclinic
Diopside 4 Rayed Star Diopside comes in a variety of colors and similar to Zircon or Periods. Chrome rich variety is called Chrome Diopside,Some Diopside displays a 4 Rayed Star which are extremely rare and Much sought after by Collectors.

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