Product details
100% Natural – Not treated in any way.
Beautiful Center-stone for an engagement Ring.
Will make a Gorgeous Ring or Pendent accented with Diamonds.
Beautiful sharp Star effect.
A Gem of Lasting Beauty.
Asterism (or Ray Effect) is best seen in Bright Sunlight or by focusing a Flashlight on the face of the gem.
Chemical Comp. :(Mg,Fe)SiO3, Crystal Group :Orthorhombic
Bronzite is really a ferriferous variety of enstatite, which owing to partial alteration has acquired a bronze-like sub-metallic luster. The color of bronzite is green or brown.The cleavage surfaces therefore exhibit a metallic sheen or schiller, which is even more pronounced in hypersthene than in bronzite. The refractive indices and optic angle increase with iron content. When cut and polished makes an effective decorative gem, although little used for that purpose.

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