Product details
100% Natural – Not treated in any way.
Rare Collectors Gem
Suitable for Museums,Institutions and Students of Gemology.
Beautiful sharp Catseye effect.
Large Sizes are Extremely Rare!
Among the Rarest of gemstones.
Chatoyancy is Cats Eye gems is best seen in Bright Sunlight or by focusing a flashlight on the face of the gem
Refractive Index: 1.577(+-.016), 1.583 (+-.017)
Hardness: 7.5
Chemical Comp: Be3Al2 (SiO3)6
Density: 2.67-2.745
Crystal Group: Hexagonal
Aquamarine Cats-eyes are fairly rare – a collectors gem Aquamarine Cats-eye comes in a variety of Blue shades from sky blue to deep Sea- blue, and are Highly Lustrous. Aquamarine is a fascinatingly beautiful gemstone. The color is due to Iron, and derives its name from “Aqua”, The color of Water to a strong sea-blue.

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